Equipment For Sale

Posted on: Wed, 09/13/2023 - 18:16 By: VE7JXC

The following equipment are for sale, contact information is at the end.

Collins 75A2 HF Communications Receiver - $150
The Collins 75A-2 HF is a high quality amateur band receiver.
Collins 75A-2 Receiver #1Collins 75A-2 Receiver #2

Collins 75A-2 Receiver #3


Hammarlund SP-600 - $75
HF rCommunications Receiver.
Hammerlund Model SP-600 #1Hammerlund Model SP-600 #2


Heathkit HD-15 - $10
Hybrid Phone Patch
Heathkit HD-15 Hybrid Phone PatchHeathkit HD-15 Hybrid Phone Patch #2


Heathkit IP-2715 Battery Eliminator - $25
Heathkit IP-2715 Battery Eliminator


Communications Receiver HF/VHF/UHF/FM/AM
Icom IC-R7000 Communications RX #1Icom IC-R7000 Communications RX #2


ICOM TV-R7000 TV RX Adapter - $20
ICOM TV-R7000 TV RX Adapter


ITT Mackay Marine Reciver 3031A (needs some repair) - $150
The 3031A is a fully synthesized, dual conversion, maritime and fixed station communications receiver.
ITT Mackay Marine Reciever Type 3031A


Kenwood R2000 HF Communications Reciver - $200
Kenwood R-2000 Communications RX


Kenwood TS-450S HF Transciever - SOLD
Kenwood TS-450S HF Transceiver


Mast Base - SOLD
Mast Base


Midland 77-202B CB Radio - $20
Midland 77-202B CB Radio #1Midland 77-202B CB Radio #2


RCAF Type GR-10 HF Communications Reciever - $100
RCAF Type GR-10 Communications RX #1RCAF Type GR-10 Communications RX #2


Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station - $25
Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station #1Realistic TRC-850 CB Base Station #2


Trio Model 9R-50 HF Communications Receiver - $30
Trio Model 9R-50 Communications RX #1Trio Model 9R-50 Communications RX #2


Zurich DPS-2512M - SOLD
8-Amp 120-V 60-Hertz DC Power Supply
Zurieh DSP-2512M


Contact Susan


Walter Shawlee II

Posted on: Wed, 09/06/2023 - 04:33 By: VE7JXC


Walter Shawlee II passed away in his home on the morning of Monday (Sept 04, 2023). His family is going to have a reception this coming Saturday (Sept. 09) from 1500 to 1800 hrs.

The reception will be held at the family's home at 3394 Sunnyside Rd. West Kelowna, BC . Anyone who would like to pass on their condolences to his family are welcome to attend.

Walter hosted many "Stuff Day" events where he invited the OCARC and any other amateur radio operators to sell their own equipment for free.

He was a student in the last OCARC amateur radio course and was working on getting his basic amateur radio qualifications until his health failed.

He had a vast knowledge of electronics, a large supply of parts, and test equipment. He will be certainly be missed by the many people who knew him.

APRS Radio

Posted on: Wed, 09/06/2023 - 03:43 By: VE7JXC
APRS radio

Complete package removed from service prior to vehicle sale two years ago. 

Package consists of:

  Icom IC 27A c/w mounting bracket, no mic 

  Argent Data Tracker 2, Model OT 2M unit

  PowerWerks Auto Power Off APO3 unit

  Deluco GPS unit 

Asking $150.00

Gord, VE7GFH



Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) Tour

Posted on: Fri, 07/28/2023 - 16:11 By: VE7JXC

Some of our members enjoyed a tour of AEM

Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) is a leader in the design, development, and manufacture of aircraft communication systems, loudspeaker systems, radios, caution/warning panels, illuminated panel products, and airframe crack detection compliance sensors.

AEM offers dedicated troubleshooting, repair, and refurbishment services to complement its product lines. AEM is a Transport Canada approved manufacturer and maintenance organization, holds EASA Part 145 Maintenance approval, is ISO9001/ AS9100D registered and certified under Canada’s Controlled Goods Program.

AEM is a wholly owned subsidiary of Structural Monitoring Systems (SMS) Canada.

Thank you AEM for making the tour available.

AEM Kelowna

HAM Recipe For Beans a simple dish for Field Day

Posted on: Tue, 05/09/2023 - 23:07 By: VE7JXC

Ham Beans

HAM Recipe For Beans

INGREDIENTS: (about 10 servings)

1 pound ground beef

8 slices bacon

One 28 ounce can (cooked) pork (ham) and (Navy or Kidney) beans, (drained)

One 8 ounce can of pork and beans, (not drained)

1 cup chopped onion                                      

3/4 cup white sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 cup ketchup

1 teaspoon mustard

1 Tablespoon vinegar


In a frying pan, brown the ground beef, then drain and set aside.

Next, cook the bacon in that frying pan until crispy.  Let cool then crumble or chop into small pieces.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the cooked canned beans, ground beef, bacon, onion bits, white sugar, brown sugar, ketchup, mustard and vinegar.

Cook in an electric slow cooker on high for 1 hour, (stirring occasionally), or on low for 2-3 hours.

Alternatively you could cook in a baking dish in a 350°F (225°c) oven for 1 hour.

How about a HAM CONVERTER project?


Spice up the HAM Recipe For Beans upgrade to a Chili Con Carne?


/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1/2 tsp garlic bits

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp oregano

1/2 tsp chili pepper

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp dried red pepper bits

Preparation Instructions:

In your blender, add the ingredients listed above, one spice at a time, starting with the larger red pepper bits followed by the next smaller, down to the smallest spice particles.

Mix well, and grind to a fine consistency. Makes about ½ a cup of Cajun style seasoning.

Are you brave? (I dare you)

Add this seasoning to the HAM Recipe For Beans        



Posted on: Thu, 04/13/2023 - 04:46 By: VE7JXC

Congratulations to the 18 new Amateur Radio operators who passed their exam tonight. 

Work Party

Posted on: Thu, 04/06/2023 - 22:57 By: VE7JXC

Greg VE7CD had a work party at his place, moving an antenna and mounting a hamwan dish.

Many thanks to Doug VE7VZ, Bob VA7RGM, Merlyn VE7MZP, Dave VA7MD, and John VE7JXC

Merlyn VE7MZP



Small Loop Antenna Chronicles VE7RFB

Posted on: Tue, 02/28/2023 - 22:13 By: VE7JXC

The SMALL LOOP ANTENNA chronicles VE7RFB                                                                                     2023-02-18

Before moving to Kelowna, (about 25 years ago) I retired to a small farm in Ontario and raised “antennas“. Mostly large antennas. I even had a big 20 meter Rhombic.

Upon moving to Kelowna, I was introduced to that marvellous concept known as the HOA and all its by-laws regarding antennas.

Thus began the quest for a small antenna that no one would complain about; but at the same time, a small antenna that actually worked.

Gradually this mythical antenna emerged as “loop antenna”, and as a bonus it turned out that it could have a noticeable advantage in the reduction of local QRN.


Picture 1

The first trial:

The aluminum eaves-trough of my initial home in Kelowna became a relatively large, horizontal, loop. Each section was electrically bonded together with self tapping screws to reduce resistance at the joints.

It turned out that the resultant loop was self resonant near middle of the 160 meter band, but I used a tuner to resonate that loop to the 40 meter band.

And it did provide excellent coverage for a digital BBS link to the West Coast from Kelowna.

Pix 2

Picture 2


A similar concept but smaller, is shown above. It too is “loop shaped” (but technically, not really a “loop” as it is open at one end). (It is more like a “bent” end fed antenna).

The aluminum clad siding on our winter home behaved sort of like a back plane and increased the over all efficiency notably – probably by reducing ground loss.

This aluminum sheeting actually appeared to work as a reflector, (at least on 20 meters) to aim signals at South America.

Connected to the MFJ auto tuner, that you can see in picture 2, it produced a relatively low SWR on 40 – 15 meters.


Picture 3

Eventually in Kelowna, Margaret and I, moved into a condominium apartment. Now we had the additional problem of electrical noise from nearby appliances, and a challenging array of electrical noise sources located just outside.

In picture 3, you can see the view from the operating position in my present Kelowna apartment.

Note that the stucco exterior wall finish is applied over a wire screen, creating a great Faraday shield (to keep desired signals out!).

Also we have a great view of the 1200 volt power line feeding a 120/240V transformer. (Is this still called a pole pig?).

As a bonus, we have both Telus and Shaw cable runs right out side our window. And of course such cables never radiate undesirable signals, do they?

Other apartments, on the five sides of my apartment have kitchen fluorescent lamps, TV sets etc. Designed to make shortwave reception an interesting challenge.

(The worst offender in my own apartment turned out to be the dishwasher!).



Picture 4

Do small loop antennas show an advantage when used for reception in an electrically noisy environment? The answer is “perhaps”. (Consider the graph picture 4).

Most QRN it seems, is from an electrostatic source, like motors that have a sparking commutator, an electrical drill for example; or Plasma TV sets, or even computer processors etc.

Now (as you know), a radio wave is composed of both electrostatic and electromagnetic fields.

The difference between reception of a radio wave on a 1/2 wave dipole for example, and reception on a

“small loop”, (and in particular a “magnetic” small loop), can be significant.

Not only can you easily aim a small loop to increase the reception of the desired signal, but you also could rotate the loop to place a null on an interference source.

As well, the “magnetic loop antenna” is often less sensitive to the electrostatic field component of a radio wave than say a 1/2 wave dipole, or large antenna array might be. The distance from your source of electrical interference is significant. Have a closer look at the chart shown in picture 4.

That brings us to the question:


Picture 5

What exactly is a “magnetic” loop antenna?

Essentially the difference between a small loop and a “magnetic loop” is that the magnetic loop antenna is usually no larger than 1/10 of a wavelength in circumference.

Most references suggest that would be a maximum diameter of about 1 M or 3’ when 20 meters is the target design.

What we are striving for, is the same amplitude of current flow in all sections of the loop. (or at least a balanced current at the opposite point across the loop).

It is also important that the loop be as conductive as possible. Copper or aluminum tubing should be at least 1/2” O.D. Smaller, hook up wire does not work well for a loop antenna. Some very successful loop designs are built with conductor diameter approaching 5”.

It’s the surface area that is important. Copper or aluminum conductor works, and the larger the surface area, the less difference I would expect to see between copper or aluminum in the ultimate performance.

Many design ideas are shown on U-tube or in the ARRL Antenna Manual, (and I suggest you do lots of “doodling” on paper, before beginning actual construction using your available materials).


Picture 6

The picture above is of a simple magnetic loop antenna built for 20 meters.

The small “black” loop at the bottom is the primary loop. It connects to the coaxial feed line coming from my transceiver. This “primary” loop is about 1/5th of the size of the secondary loop.

This primary loop is formed from #4, insulated service entrance cable wire.

The secondary loop in this antenna is made from copper tubing just over 1/2 inch in diameter. It is readily available in 10’ lengths of tubing and can be formed by hand into a circle.

At the open ends (the top of the secondary loop), I connected a variable capacitor rated at about 250 pf max and perhaps capable of handling 2000 volts of RF. The voltage can be quite high at this point if you are applying significant power from your transmitter.


Picture 7

The pix above shows the bottom of the loop assembly. I used standard electrical components from the hardware store. The RG8 coax input is attached directly to the relatively small primary loop via an SO239 fitting you can see at the bottom.


Picture 8

Shown above is a close up view of the air dielectric variable capacitor attached at the top. That is, to the open ends of the 3’ diameter secondary loop. The two black connection points at the top of that assembly are to allow the addition of a parallel fixed capacitor for lower frequency resonance trials.


Picture 9

Various examples of “free”, loop antenna design software can be found on the internet, and they can be useful in predicting transmitting efficiency and the bandwidth of a loop antenna.

An antenna constructed like that shown in pix7 is rather impractical for SSB phone on frequencies lower than 40 meters due to its relatively high Q. (and the resulting very narrow bandwidth).

Observe also, in this example, the calculation shown for capacitor voltage generated when operating with a 50 watt radio transmitter.


Picture 10

Illustrated is a home made “tin can” capacitor. It was added to tune to a lower frequency. (approx 300pf at 2KV in this example).


Picture 11

This picture above shows an example of a small “double” loop 20M antenna built with two goals in mind.

  1. The two copper secondary loops are connected in parallel to increase conductor surface area.

Radio energy tends to travel on the surface of a conductor, and also the larger conductivity of the parallel copper tubing offers less “ohmic” (loss) resistance and therefore more radiation efficiency.

Note that “solid copper” pipe hanging strap, was used for the primary loop in this construction. Some copper strapping being sold is only plated copper over iron – be sure to get the better stuff!

  1. The over all size of this antenna was designed to fit into an airline regulation size suitcase for portability.


Picture 12

Picture 12 above illustrates a full size version of the double, (3’parallel loop) “magnetic loop antenna”.

An SWR bridge was added, and the antenna designed for a “plug in” primary loop to allow experimentation for optimization of the coupling impedance that is different on each ham band.

Originally the design was also to allow easy switching of the secondary loops to be in either parallel, or in series for low frequency tuning experiments. But lower

frequencies proved impractical (at least for phone), due to bandwidth limitations.

The black cube to the left of the SWR meter in pix12 is a ferrite cube on the RG8 co-ax, to reduce feed line surface current.


Picture 13

Eventually the design was returned to the larger copper strap primary loop conductor, optimized in size for 20 meter coupling to the secondary parallel copper tubing elements.


Picture 14

Over all, the results

 obtained with this loop were encouraging. This is a typical daily WSPR map result at my location while running 5 watts on 20 meters over a 6 hour period. Maximum effectiveness agrees with the direction arc view that I can see out of my window.


Picture 15

The urge to build a magnetic loop antenna that incorporated automatic tuning, resulted in the blue box version depicted here.


Picture 16

The essential component ATU kit, bought on line contained relays, capacitors, coils etc. to be added to the supplied printed circuit board that had surface mount components pre-installed.

This design included a digital display and circuitry for SWR measurement. A nice and useful feature.


Picture 17

Above, (in Pix 17), is a top view of what the assembly looked like as final construction was approached.

Originally, the main (secondary) loop was made with 5/8”diameter Heliax attached to the blue box with type N coax connectors. This proved unsatisfactory as resistance to any axial rotation of the Heliax (while being transported for example) was insufficient.

Eventually I substituted cable entry glands fixed by epoxy at the inside of the blue box; but this precluded easily modifying the loop size.

This design did tune on multiple bands, but SWR was generally in the 3:1 range.


Picture 18

I decided to add a “tuned” type 43 Toroid, optimized for 20 meters, at the ATU output, coupled to the loop as shown in this picture, and this design is also shown in the following schematic drawing.


Picture 19

The term “gimmick” capacitor noted on this schematic may be unfamiliar to you. It refers to a capacitive feature usually made by twisting two insulated wires together, to change the capacitance portion of a tuning circuit, or sometimes made by cutting a coaxial cable length to the point where the inner conductor and outer shield together form the required capacitance.


Picture 20

The picture above illustrates an iteration of the magnetic loop design that will withstand higher power. (at least 200 watts of continuous RF power).

An SWR bridge was built in to aid in design and positioning of the primary loop, relative to the maximum current point of the 3’ diameter secondary loop.

The correct size, position and angle of the primary loop proved elusive. And the mechanical design proved somewhat unstable.


Picture 21

This picture shows the best compromise I found for this arrangement.


Picture 22

Somewhat better results and superior mechanical stability, was achieved with Toroid coil coupling at the max current point (in this instance at the top) of the secondary loop.


Picture 23

This view show the internal construction of the loop tuning box described above. The lower, white and red unit seen is a vacuum capacitor rated at 30-350pf and 4000 volts. The air dielectric shown near the top is about 250 pf max and will tolerate perhaps 2000 volts.

Inter connection was made with solid copper, pipe strapping material.

Space for a future possible motor drive of the vacuum capacitor was left at the bottom right of the plastic box.


Picture 24

Eventually it was decided that a Pi section tuner connected directly between the input RG8 co-ax and the

3’ diameter Heliax loop, was the optimum approach for my 20 meter magnetic loop antenna.


Picture 25

This picture shows the final construction. Copper braid was substituted for the copper strapping used in previous designs.


Picture 26

A simple field strength meter was built in to the top of the enclosure to aid in tuning. Initial tuning however is

usually chosen for maximum background receive noise at the desired frequency.


Picture 27

The final result of this construction project is displayed on the Sark100 analyzer, and that seemed like a good place to pause this project.

Ron ve7rfb


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