Nets (receivable in the Okanagan Valley)

Selected Nets

This is a selected list of nets of interest to those living in the central Okanagan Valley area. Only nets which regularly take check-ins from the Okanagan Valley are listed.

Nets run by local clubs in the Okanagan area have their city in Bold font.

Nets requiring a digital radio (DStar, DMR, or C4FM(System Fusion)) are indicated as VHF-D.

All local days and times are for the Pacific Time Zone. Additional access information for repeaters (tones, links, etc) can be found on the main website OCARC Repeater List - Okanagan.

Information marked with a "?" has not been fully validated. Times marked ✓ have been verified for Fall/Winter 2024.

Selected VHF Nets

Description Band Frequency Local Time Local Day Notes Seasonal Time Shift?
Penticton Weekly Net VHF 146.920-(t123.0) Apex Mtn. Penticton AM 09:00 Sunday Pentiction Amateur Radio Club local time✓
Trans-Canada AllStar Net VHF 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna AM 10:00 to 11:30 Sunday Also on 147.320+ Mt Lolo Kamloops, IRLP 9029, Echolink 590387 and AllStar 517301. See for details. local time✓
NORAC Sunday Net VHF 146.880- Silverstar Mtn. Vernon AM 10:00 Sunday North Okanagan Radio Amateur Club (Vernon) local time✓
International DStar Net VHF-D

(DStar REF091C)

Accessible thru 145.030+ or 440.950+  Kelowna

PM 05:00 Sunday Early checkins from 04:30 PM. 1900 Central time✓
Shuswap ARC Net - VHF

146.760- Fly Hills. Salmon Arm

PM 08:00 Sunday

Shuswap Amateur Radio Club

local time✓
Grand Forks Net VHF 147.280+(t100.0) Bald Knob (Phoenix Mtn) Grand Forks PM 07:00 Monday Phoenix Mtn is located between Midway and Grand Forks. It is best heard from a higher elevation like Big White or Anarchist Summit. local time✓
Penticton (Informal) IRLP Net VHF 147.120- (t123.0) Campbell Mtn. Penticton PM 07:00 Tuesday

Pentiction Amateur Radio Club Also on IRLP reflector 9002.

local time✓
Okanagan 2m SSB Net VHF 144.200 USB Okanagan Valleywide PM 07:30 to 08:30 Tuesday An informal roundtable discussing VHF propagation, antennas and anything else of interest. local time✓
Oliver Weekly Net VHF 147.160+ Mt Baldy. Oliver / Osoyoos PM 07:30 Tuesday Oliver Amateur Radio Club. Net lasts about 10 min. local time✓
KARC Net VHF 147.320+ Mt Lolo. Kamloops PM 08:00 Tuesday Kamloops Amateur Radio Club local time✓
Trans-Canada IRLP Net VHF

(IRLP Reflector 9013)

Accessible thru 147.480 West Kelowna IRLP.

AM 08:00 to 08:45 Wednesday Stations from across Canada check in. local time✓
Cross-Canada C4FM Net VHF-D 145.490- Okanagan Mtn.. Kelowna PM 06:00 Wednesday Also usually on 145.090+ Blue Grouse Mtn, 442.500+ Vernon. (Not active in July and August) 0100 UTC✓
OCARC Weekly Net VHF 147.000+(t88.5) Okanagan Mtn. Kelowna PM 07:00 Wednesday Orchard City Amateur Radio Club (Kelowna) Also on linked repeaters at Big White (146.860) and Coquihalla Pass (146.980). local time✓
Southern Interior Preparedness Net VHF 147.000+(t88.5) Okanagan Mtn.. Kelowna PM 07:30 Wednesday Also on SIRG linked repeaters 147.320+ Kamloops and 444.275+ Silverstar. Net lasts approx. 20 minutes, depending upon the number of checkins. Network map at SIRG Map local time✓
Penticton (Informal) C4FM Net VHF-D 145.350- Campbell Mtn. Penticton PM 07:00 Thursday Pentiction Amateur Radio Club Also on the Canada Room (40678). local time✓
British Columbia DMR Net VHF-D


Accessible thru 444.800+ Kuipers Peak (DMR). Kelowna

PM 08:00 Friday Talkgroup BC 1 (BC-TRBO TG3027 and Brandmeister TG30271) local time✓
Saskatchewan IRLP Net VHF

(IRLP Reflector 9300)

Accessible thru 147.480 West Kelowna IRLP.

PM 08:00 Mon-Fri Stations from across Saskatchewan check in. Primarily for Saskatchewan but visitors welcomed. Sask 2m Net 2100 Saskatchewan time
Rainbow Country Net VHF

(IRLP Reflector 9009)

Accessible thru 147.480 West Kelowna IRLP.

AM 09:00 to 10:30 Daily

Early checkins from 08:30. Originates from VE7RPT Vancouver, Also available on Allstar Node 435450, and EchoLink VA7DGP-L. See live connection status at: BCFMCA AllStar (Mt Seymour VE7RPT)

local time✓


For travellers to the Lower Mainland, a list of nets can be found courtesy of VECTOR (Vancouver Emergency Community Telecommunications Organization): Metro Vancouver Radio Nets

Another useful source of net information for hams in British Columbia is maintained by the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Emergency Services Society: VE7SCC Local Nets

Visitors to the Lower Mainland will also be able to hear a number of the nets just across the border in the Puget Sound area, as listed by the Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club: Radio Nets in The Puget Sound Area

Visitors to Calgary may find this partial list of local nets useful, from the Calgary Amateur Radio Association: Calgary Net List


Selected VHF Nets on the 147.100 AllStar Node

These nets are normally available on the BC Hub or the Canada Hub. They will only be heard in the Central Okanagan if the local AllStar repeater on Kuiper's Peak (147.100+) is linked to one of those systems. AllStar is an analog system, so any FM amateur radio can hear it.

Description Band Frequency Local Time Local Day Notes Seasonal Time Shift?
New Hams Net VHF Accessible thru 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna PM 1:00 Sunday M7BYD in the UK hosts a net encouraging all amateurs to pick up that mic. See AllStar 517301 for details.

2000 British local Time✓

Sounds Good Net - VHF Accessible thru 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna PM 05:00 Monday Chris VE3RWJ hosts a net for anyone interested in music – playing, recording, listening and trivia. See AllStar 517301 for details. local time✓
The Absolute Tech Net - VHF Accessible thru 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna PM 04:00 to 06:00 Tuesday See AllStar 517301 for details. local time✓
Saturday Selection ( Top Talk Net(1st Sat) / Ragchew (2nd) / Intnl Tech (3rd)/ BBQ (4th) ) - VHF Accessible thru 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna PM 01:30 Saturday Several nets share the same time slot, being active on alternate weeks. (AllStar 517301/FreeStar UK/Echolink *FREESTAR*) See or for details 2130 British local time
The Science Net VHF Accessible thru 147.100+(t88.5) Kuipers Peak. Kelowna PM 06:00 to 08:00 Saturday Net lasts two hours. See AllStar 517301 for details. local time✓


Selected "Out of Area" VHF Nets

Description Band Frequency Local Time Local Day Notes Seasonal Time Shift?
West Kootenay Daily Net VHF 146.640-(t88.5) Slocan Ridge Noon 12:00 Mon,Wed,Fri

Rick, VA7RBP, rotates through the repeaters in the West Kootenays to take checkins (146.640 Castlegar, 147.060 Balfour, 146.840 Trail, 147.040 Nelson, 145.130 Slocan)   When the WKARC system is linked to the SIRG network, the net can also be heard on related SIRG repeaters, like 147.000+ Okanagan Mtn.

local time✓
Northern BC 2-Meter Net VHF 146.940-(t100.0) Prince George AM 09:30 Sunday The Prince George Amateur Radio Club links up their Network with the Bulkley Valley, Quesnel, Cariboo Chilcotin, and Peace Country systems to take checkins from Clinton to Ft St John, and from Hazelton to Valemount  Fringe reception may be possible from Pennask Summit on 147.360+ (t162.2) Clinton. Repeater maps at PGARC Maps and CCARS Maps. local time✓
East Kootenay Net VHF

146.940-(t88.5) Cranbrook (IRLP Node 1660)

Accessible thru 147.480 West Kelowna IRLP.

PM 08:00 Thursday The East Kootenay Amateur Radio Club conducts a net on linked repeaters in Cranbrook, Invermere, Sparwood and Creston.  local time


Selected HF Nets

Description Band Frequency Local Time Local Day Notes Seasonal Time Shift?
Alaska-Pacific Emergency Preparedness Net HF 14.292 USB AM 09:30 Mon-Fri 0830 Alaska time✓
Trans Canada Net HF 14.140 USB AM 11:00 Sunday 1800 UTC
Noontime Net (40m) HF 7.284 LSB Noon 12:00 Daily Covers Western US, BC and AB. Early informal check-ins from 10:00 AM. local time✓
Noontime Net (80m) HF 3.970 LSB Noon 12:00 Daily Covers WA and adjacent states, but also heard in BC. Early informal check-ins from 11:30 AM. local time✓
Western Social Net HF 7.230 LSB PM 1:00 Sunday Covers Pacific Northwest. Informal net lasting up to three hours. local time✓
Afternoon Aurora Net HF 7.100 LSB PM 04:00 Daily Covers Western Canada, and beyond. 2300 UTC✓
Manitoba Evening Phone Net HF 3.747 LSB PM 05:00 Daily Sometimes starts 5 min early, and lasts only 10 min. Not well heard due to propagation.

1900 CT (MB time)✓

Montana Traffic Net HF 3.910 LSB PM 04:30 Daily 0030 UTC✓
Saskatchewan Public Service Net HF 3.755 LSB PM 05:00 Daily Alternate frequency 3.753,3.735 0100 UTC✓
Alberta Public Service Net HF 3.700 LSB PM 05:30 Daily Takes early check-ins. Freq may be +/- 5kHz to avoid qrm 0130 UTC✓
BC Public Service Net HF 3.729 LSB PM 05:30 Daily 0130 UTC✓
Columbia Basin Traffic Net HF 3.960 LSB PM 06:00 Daily local time✓
BC/Yukon Section Traffic Net HF 3.720 LSB PM 06:30 Daily National Traffic System (NTS) Affiliate. 0230 UTC✓
BC Provincial Emergency Net (EMBC) HF 3.735 LSB PM 07:00 Wednesday primarily for BC EOC stations and related volunteers, Alt freq 7.060. Checkins from 0630PM when propagation favours. local time✓
Northern Net HF 3.775 LSB PM 07:00 Sunday Takes early check-ins up to 1 hour early in winter due to propagation changes 0300 UTC Monday✓
Northern Net HF 3.775 LSB PM 07:00 Wednesday Covers Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, Alaska, BC and Alberta. 0300 UTC Thursday
Evening Aurora Net HF 7.100 LSB PM 07:30 Sunday Not well heard due to propagation (net control VE4WR is in Manitoba). 2130 Manitoba time
Trans Canada Pow Wow Club HF 3.750 LSB PM 09:00 Sun-Thu Covers Canada Coast to Coast. Only active Sep-Apr. 0000 Ontario Time✓


More (Mostly HF) Nets

If you can't get enough of nets, particularly on 40m and 80m, a more comprehensive list of nets heard here in the Okanagan Valley can be found in our wiki. This list is no longer updated, so times may be off by one hour depending upon standard time or daylight savings time.

These nets are not included on this page because they don't routinely look for check-ins from stations in our area.

A fairly recent list of Canadian HF Nets is available from the Parkland Amateur Radio Club: PARC HF NETS (pdf)

The American Radio Relay League maintains an extensive list of nets across North America: ARRL Net Directory Search


Special Interest Nets

This is a selected list of specialty nets covering specific topics of interest. Only nets which have been heard in the Okanagan Valley are listed.

All local days and times are for the Pacific Time Zone.

Information marked with a "?" has not been fully validated.

Description Band Frequency Local Time Local Day Notes Seasonal Time Shift?
Great Northern Boaters Net HF 3.870 LSB AM 08:00 Daily BC and Alaska Coast. Rollcall at 08:00. Operates primarliy during summer cruising season (starting around April 15), but takes checkins with weather reports year round. 08:00 AM Pacific✓
Northwest Boaters Net HF 3.865 LSB AM 08:00 Daily Informal checkins from 08:00. Weather reports. Rollcall at 08:30. 08:00 AM Pacific✓
RV Service Net (WBCCI Pacific Coast) HF 7.272 USB AM 09:00 Mon-Fri RV Owners and those interested in RVing 09:00 AM Pacific
FMCA (Family Motor Coach Assoc.) RV Net HF 14.3075 USB AM 9:30 Mon,Wed,Fri RV Owners and those interested in RVing (early checkins from 09:00) 12:30 PM Eastern
17m Activity Group HF 18.1575 USB AM 10:45 Daily Early checkins at 1730. Stations meet to compare signals and discuss their setups. May move to 21.383 around 1830, and 24.970 after that. 1745 UTC✓
Flex Radio Net HF 14.329 USB AM 11:00 Sunday Owners and others interested in radios made by Flex Radio. 2:00 PM Eastern✓
QCWA Net HF 14.347 USB Noon 12:00 Sunday Quarter Century Wireless Association members and others. 2000 UTC
Pacific Maritime Mobile Service Net HF 21.412 USB PM 2:00 Daily Focus is maritime mobile, but checkins from anyone welcome. Net controls monitor from approx 2100-2400 UTC. 2100 UTC✓
RV Radio Net HF 7.264 LSB PM 05:00 Sun-Fri

RV Owners and those interested in RVing. Early checkins 1/2 hour before start

(freq +/-10 kHz if qrm)

1900 Central
Intercontinental Amateur Radio Traffic Net / Maritime Mobile Service Net HF 14.300 USB All Day Daily

See (Note 1). Two separate nets share this frequency. The Intercontinental Amateur Radio Traffic Net monitors this frequency from approx 1200-1700 UTC. The Maritime Mobile Service Net covers the Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific as propagation allows, from approx 1700-0200 UTC. The Pacific Seafarers Net also uses this frequency briefly at 0300 UTC.

YL International SSB System Net HF 14.332 USB All Day Mon-Fri 1200-2400 UTC (summer), 1300-0100 UTC (winter) (may go later if propagation allows) See website for details. 05:00 AM Pacific✓

(Note 1) 14.300 MHz has been designated by the International Amateur Radio Union as a "Global Emergency Center of Activity". IARU Emergency Communications Frequencies

Other RV related nets are listed on the RV Radio Network page at:

Other BC Boaters Nets

General Nets in Canada (from 2018).

Nets in Canada (from 2RAC).

General Nets in the Eastern United States (This list appears to be current).

One of the most extensive lists of Special Interest nets on HF can be found at:     (Unfortunately this list does not appear to have been updated in several years (since 2012), but much of the information is still valid.)

A more up-to-date listing (from 2017) covers a variety of types of nets: N1YZ's HF NET LISTING ( but unfortunately only covers nets in the United States. A google docs link may be more up to date. N1YZ's HF NET LISTING (google doc)

SIRG Network Map 2022-10

Southern Interior Repeater Group Map

See OCARC Repeater Lists for the current operational status of repeaters on this network.