Member Resources - Web Cams

Posted on: Sun, 11/14/2021 - 20:54 By: VE7JXC

Did you know that when you sign into your membership account and click on Member Resources there'e a quick link to the HamWAN portal web cams.

Is it sunny or snowy up in the moutains? Today it was snowy.


Remote Radios

Posted on: Fri, 10/15/2021 - 17:19 By: VE7JXC

As a member of OCARC did you know that you can access a remote radio? Log into your account and look for (Menu) Member Resources, then Remote Radios.  

OCARC provides an HF radio station to club members that can be operated entirely remotely. 

Gem Lake Jeep Drive

Posted on: Tue, 10/12/2021 - 05:30 By: VE7JXC

The Orchard City Amateur Radio Club has radio repeater facilities at the top of the Gem Lake Chairlift site. A trip was scheduled to attend to the equipment before the weather turned.

18 minute drive through some ski runs to get to the top of the lift at 7200'.

The Gem Lake drive.

Kuipers Peak (AllStar) now online

Posted on: Sat, 09/11/2021 - 02:48 By: VE7JXC

The Kuipers Peak (AllStar) is now online. The AllStar Node 45382 has a default connection to the Western Canada Hub. The details are: frequency 147.100 MHz, +600 offset, with 88.5 tone. There is also P25 available, local only with the same settings.

A video on AllStar can be found at and the AllStar home page is at

AllStarLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol. AllStarLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Rasperry Pi) that you host at your home, radio site or computer center.

Other AllStar links are: for statistics, for the network map.

Lightning, where is it?

Posted on: Thu, 08/05/2021 - 20:25 By: VE7JXC

It is every radio operator’s worst nightmare. Millions of volts suddenly leap out of the sky, striking your home, antenna, or other conductive surfaces. Billions of watts race down transmission lines or through the building’s structure, destroying your transmitter, amplifier, receiver, or other elements of your radio apparatus. Your prized station is now just trash.

Be aware with real time lighning reports maps.

160 Meter Loop

Posted on: Thu, 06/10/2021 - 23:22 By: VE7JXC

The replacement of the 160 meter loop antenna at Chute Lake Road club shack has been completed. The loop cable has been replaced and the anchor points have been raised to a higher place in the trees. Features like using a pulley at all anchor points and three different locations where the antenna can be raised or lowered will extend the life of the new antenna and make maintenance a lot easier.

Become a Ham Radio Operator / Getting Licensed

Ham radio operators are amateur radio operators that run an informal and unofficial radio station for fun. Due to the nature of the work, ham radio operators can work anywhere, such as at home or at an office.

To become an Amateur radio operator in Canada you must get an operators certificate and a station licence. The OCARC provides courses for area Ham enthusiasts wishing to become hams. Due to current COVID-19 situation, the courses are on hold. 

Industry and Science Canada issues the certificates after the applicant has passed a test. OCARC also provides government approved examiners who give the exam for the certificate types.

While the courses are on hold, many people are studying online, and several have taken their exams and are now amateur radio operators.

The following are some links to websites to help you prepare and study for a amateur radio license. 

  • Canadian Amateur radio operator certificates services - website
  • RAC How to Start - website
  • Georgian Bay Amateur Radio Study Resources - website
  • 9th Edition Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Qualification Study Guide - website, OCARC also has these books available 
  • Hamstudy course books - website
  • View a 20 minute video on Youtube, about what Amateur (HAM) Radio is about - Youtube - Why Amateur Radio
  • Amateur Radio (HAM) Training Information - website
  • RIC-3 - Information on the Amateur Radio Service - website
  • RBR-4 - Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service - website 
  • Canadian Amateur radio exam generator - website
  • Accredited Examiners - website


Amateur Radio Course Study Guides

Posted on: Mon, 01/04/2021 - 18:31 By: VE7JXC

Radio Amateurs of Canada offers the study guides to help you learn everything you need need to pass your exam and have fun with Amateur Radio.

We have the Basic and Advance guides in stock, save on shipping and get your guides locally,

We also have some good news for those folks who have been wanting to take their Amateur Radio Certificate exams, but are not sure of what to do under the Covid restrictions. Our local examiner has conducted exams remotely using Skype.

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